The Ministry of Reconciliation
We have been given the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18). Yes, that means you...As we have been reconciled, we in turn, are to reconcile others. Paul tells us also that we have been committed to the "Word of Reconciliation" (2 Cor. 5:19). A powerful example of this is "Father forgive them, they know not what they do, lay not this trespass against them, count not this offense." To reconcile is the power to forgive, not impute an offense, and save. Let us look deeper. Reconciliation is the combination of three Hebrew letters, Kaf, Pev, and Resh. Together, they form the picture of a covering for a debt or sin. If someone is reconciled, you no longer impute sin and transgression to them, but decree them as spotless and blameless, the Righteousness of God. This means where there is reconciliation, there is no offense, because the offense has been covered and removed. I will leave you with this: Stephen, who Saul stoned, through the Word of Reconciliation, was used in transforming Saul of Tarsus into Paul the Apostle, he did not condemn Saul, but imputed not his transgressions. (If you would like me to add more clarification, please leave a comment)